MRI audit of complications in intracranial stenosis treated with Wingspan device. J Neurointerv Surg 9(5): 466-470, 2017 (May). (SCI) Dept. of Neuroradiology
Prospective comparison of angio-sealTM versus manual compression for hemostasis after neurointerventional procedures under systemic heparinization. Am J Neuroradiol 34: 397-401, 2013 (Feb). (SCI ) Dept. of Neuroradiology
Comparison of the risk of oculomotor nerve deficits between detachable balloons and coils in the treatment of direct carotid cavernous fistulas. Am J Neuroradiol 31: 1123-1126, 2010 (Jun). (SCI ) Dept. of Neuroradiology