Platelet adhesion on endothelium early after vein grafting mediates
leukocyte recruitment and intimal hyperplasia in a murine model
Thromb Haemost 2015Apr;113(4):813-25 Chi-Nan Tseng; Ya-Ting Chang; Mariette Lengquist; Malin Kronqvist; Ulf Hedin; Einar E. Eriksson
Contribution of endothelial injury and inflammation in early phase to vein graft failure: The causal factors impact on the development of intimal hyperplasia in murine models. PLoS One. 2014Jun;9(6):e98904 Tseng CN*, Karlof E, Chang YT, Lengquist M, Rotzius P, Berggren PO, Hedin U, Eriksson EE.