An incidental finding of benign calvarial tumor on Tc-99m TRODAT-1 SPECT
Left ventricular dyssynchrony occurs frequently in patients with coronary artery disease Ann Nucl Med Mol Imaging 核子醫學科
“T-shaped” sign: a false-positive I-131 uptake in the stenum mimicking thyroid cancer metastasis Ann Nucl Med Mol Imaging 核子醫學科
Semiquantifying striatal dopamine transporter availability with CT-based ROI in a hybrid SPECT/CT system is a highly reproducible method Ann Nucl Med Mol Imaging 核子醫學科
Review analysis of the association between the prevalence of activated brown adipose tissue and outdoor temperature Scientific World Journal 核子醫學科
Potential usage of liposome-encapsulated phosphor for in vivo imaging of tissue oxygenation Biomed 核子醫學科