參加2015年 American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, San francisco
Original article:
台灣男性骨質疏鬆罹病率分析–台灣全島骨質疏鬆症調查的次分析(The Prevalence And Characteristics of Male Osteoporosis in Taiwan)
2. 2015 風濕病醫學會 年會:
High Anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG antibody titer in SLE patients with CMV infection
3.2015 風濕病醫學會 年會:
Clinical significance and diagnosis in anti-centromere antibody positive patients
1.2015年中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會年會:Proximal Femur is the Preferred Site to Measure Bone Mineral Density for Elderly Male- Analysis of Characteristics in Male Osteoporosis from Taiwan OsteoPorosis Survey (TOPS)
2.2015內科醫學會年會:Effect of Delayed Anti-TNF Therapy on the Need for Total Knee Replacement in Patients with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis